Questions and answers

Do you have a question about our service? Below you will find a selection of the most frequently asked questions, if you have any further queries, please feel free to contact us.

Below you will find a selection of the most frequently asked questions, if you have any further queries, please feel free to contact us.

How do I use VPN on my managed Mac?

Start the Cisco AnyConnect App, which you find in your applications folder. On the first start, authenticate yourself with the password of your local account and confirm with "always allow". If the error message Certificate Validation Failure appears when establishing the connection, execute the script Renew Cisco VPN user certificate in the Self Service.

For what can I use the Self-Service?

In the Self-Service you will find On Demand applications, utilities and scripts for your managed Mac to run or download directly.

Can I create additional local users?

Yes, you can create unlimited user accounts on your managed Mac. Afterwards, the users can link their account to the GSMN company account via the SSO extension (key icon in the taskline).

How do I find the serial or UM number?

You can find the serial number of your device in the Apple menu (apple icon in the Taskline) under the item "About this Mac". The UM number can be found in the system settings under shares.

How do I link my local-acct. to my GSMN-acct.?

As soon as your Mac detects the GSMN corporate network, the Apple Kerberos SSO extension automatically connects you to the GSMN domain. However, the first time you connect, you must enter your GSMN credentials so that the extension knows which GSMN account to associate with your local account. In the dialogue box, enter your GSMN account (not the e-mail address) and the password of your currently valid GSMN account. Click on "Log in".

Can I upgrade to Monterey when available?

Unfortunately no, but as soon as we have made the necessary preparations, we will approve macOS Monterey and inform you.

How do I change my GSMN-Password?

Preferably change the password via the SSO extension on your managed Mac (key icon in the taskline).

Who can I contact if I have software problems?

For software problems with your Mac, please contact: We will review your request as soon as possible and work with you to solve your problem.

I would like to onboard a new device?

To onboard a new Mac, please send an email to and make sure that the email contains the following information: Mac serial number and your username.

Did we miss your question? Contact us and we will get back to you as soon as possible.